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Frequently Asked Questions


Vacation and Makeup Classes


1. Do I pay VDA fees when going on a vacation?

You have to continue to pay the VDA monthly fees, if you wish to secure your spot in the current batch/class. You can avail  make-up classes for the missed classes either before or after your planned vacation. If you do wish to un-enroll, then the open spot will be issued to students in the wait-list, We cannot guarantee a spot back in the class/batch when you wish to return back and will also be subject to a $100 re-enrollment fees

2. Who is eligible for Make-up Classes?
Any Student who is unable to attend the regular scheduled class for any reason and has informed about the same through online Leave of absence google form (insert link) at least 24 hrs in advance of the missed class, can avail a Make-Up class

3. Any exceptions to the 24hr notice rule?  
No, there are no exceptions to the rule however we do understand that sometimes there are unavoidable circumstances. 2 times in a year you can avail the special exception for a make-up class even if you have failed to inform 24-hour in advance. This is limited 2 per calendar year and there are no exceptions to the exception rule.

4. How many make-up classes can I avail in a year?
Make-up classes are restricted to 12 per calendar year.

5. What if I am going on vacation and will lose more than 12 classes?
Make-up classes are restricted to 12 unfortunately. You can un-enroll and re-enroll after you are back but that would incur re-registration fees of $100 and the batch/spot is subject to availability.

6.  How do I avail these Make-up classes?
You can avail the make-up class on any alternate days of the week provide the below requirements are met
   i.  There is a class for your level on that day (ex: If you are in Beginner's batch you can avail make-up class on any day provided there is any beginner’s level class that day)
   ii.  You have email confirmation from the VDA Coordinator approving your make-up class request for that day. (Make up class request should be sent at least 2 days in advance using email:

7. How many make-up spots are available in a class?
Each class can accommodate unto 3 additional students who are availing make-up classes. The spots will allocated on first-come-first-serve basis.

8. Is there a expiry date for the make-up classes?
The make-up classes have to be availed with-in 3 months on the original missed class(es). For ex: if you missed class on 5th Feb 2023, you can avail a make-up class anytime before 5th May  2023.

9. How does one keep track of all the different Make-up classes eligibility and currently availed classes?
The entire book-keeping is currently managed by a VDA Coordinator. We are currently in the process of evaluating student management system that can automate the whole process. We hope to have an automated online process by the Fall of 2023.







© 2023 by Vidya Dance Academy


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